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The Mind And Body When Stressed

Dr. Priyanka Naidu
May 28, 2024

When you’re feeling stressed, what symptoms do you experience?

Stress manifests as both cognitive and physical symptoms.

The more noticeable symptoms of stress are usually the physical one’s - an elevated heart rate, body tension, jitteriness and sweat. We may experience such symptoms when we read a hurtful or harmful comment or post online.

We may also experience cognitive symptoms, which is the unhelpful thought component to stress. For example, thoughts such as “I can’t do this, I’ll embarrass myself”, can trigger and/or exacerbate stress.

Managing stress uses strategies that focus on easing the mind and the body. Because we have a strong mind and body connection, strategies that help soothe the mind also ease body tension, and reducing body tension helps ease the mind. Often people find it easier to combat unhelpful or racing thoughts through calming the body by exercise, deep breathing or practicing muscle relaxation techniques.

Here are science-backed strategies to manage stress:

  • Exercise
  • Journaling
  • Connecting with others
  • Practicing mindfulness
  • Being in nature
  • Creating a wind down routine
  • Make time for hobbies and creative expression


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