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Dr. Priyanka Naidu
May 28, 2024

Journaling is a powerful tool we can use to process thoughts and emotions. Writing provides an opportunity to distance oneself from their feelings. It can also serve as an outlet to channel frustrations and worries. Over time, you can observe patterns in behaviour, which may inspire behaviour change.

Here is a journaling exercise to support you:

How are you feeling?

You might choose to write the emotions you’re experiencing, or rather explain the sensations you feel in your body. You might enjoy drawing or colouring to express yourself too. So, how are you feeling?

Why do you think you feel this way?

Can you explore your feelings further? Understanding what your emotions are telling you, and why they are coming up can help you process and work through them.  

It may be helpful to remind ourselves that we can’t control how we feel. But, we can choose our actions and where we focus our attention.

Taking time to process and sit with our feelings can be important to moving through them.

Some other journal prompts:

  • Is there anything troubling me?
  • What would make me feel better?
  • What is within my control? And what is out of my control?
  • What am I grateful for?
  • What are my top three values and do my current actions align with them?
  • What small change could I make to improve my life starting today?


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