Have you noticed that when you’re overly stressed, you have trouble coping with day to day tasks? This can include being more impulsive, or quick to anger.
It can be helpful to think about your capacity to handle stress as the size of a container. The size of our stress container, and therefore how vulnerable we are to stress, is unique to us. It can depend on our genetics, early upbringing, and life experiences.
In small amounts, stress is manageable. However, when our stress container continues to fill and starts to overflow, we see problems in coping with our usual day-to-day commitments. Even small stressors during the day can add up, often without out us realising.
When we see harmful content online, it can activate the stress response. This might be because someone’s comment feels like an attack on our beliefs, worldviews or values. We can also experience stress when harmful content online isn’t directed at us. Therefore, our digital practices can contribute to our stress container by exposing us to harmful content.
It is important to take regular steps to manage stress effectively. Here are some activities that can help empty your stress container: