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How your team is feeling, while they're feeling it –and how to help.

Mental health isn't just for individuals.

Poor mental wellbeing isn’t a great time for anyone – whether you’re a person, or a business. Each year, it costs our global economy $1T 1. Sleeping on that is burning a hole in your company culture – and an even bigger one in your wallet. The good news? We’re squawking about a $15 return for every $1 invested 2.

It's possible with Toucan.

Toucan is your insight into employee mental wellbeing and mood - and built upon a one-of-a-kind record breaking framework. After you deploy Toucan, employees in your company are invited to download the  app and join your company flock. Individuals provide a few demographic details, and periodically log how they're feeling. This data is aggregated and presented in your employer dashboard - so you can get a birds eye view of how your people are feeling as a group, while they're feeling it.

Employees will only share accurate information if they feel their data is safe, respected, and private. Toucan users remain in complete control of their data — choosing the level of detail they share at all times. What doesn’t change is the birds-eye view of anonymous, real-time information you get about your employee group as a whole. This means you don't know how Mohammed or Sally are feeling specifically, but instead look at trends across groups, including departments, age, gender, and more.

Our team of design and behaviour change experts worked closely in consultation with a broad range of HR, people and culture professionals: People who know the potential of good information, nuanced support, and employee-centric engagement strategy – and understand that they’re all much easier said than done. We tested and shaped Toucan with people just like you who are looking for solutions and ready to unlock that potential, but just didn’t know where to begin.


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